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Nail Biting

Are you tired of unsightly nails?

Do you pick at the skin around the nail unconsciously?

Do you want to show off your engagement ring but feel embarrassed?

Are you self conscious when shaking the hand of a new client?

Do you bite your nails when you are stressed, bored or worried?

Is it something you wish you could stop, forever?


I find most people quit biting their nails for good within 1-3 sessions of Hypnotherapy. 


Nail biting habits usually start in childhood and are often maintained unconsciously over the years in response to a variety of emotions like stress, anxiety, fear or quite simply - boredom.


Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) combined can successfully stop compulsive nail biting dead in its tracks. 

NLP targets your conscious mind, helping you to change the thought patterns that contribute to your nail biting habit. For your unconscious mind, hypnotherapy techniques find your inner resources and help you get rid of the negative parts at the cause of compulsive nail biting. 


The next step is to contact us for an appointment at the conveniently located Health Shack. Near the beautiful Rockingham foreshore. You will be pleasantly surprised just how relaxed and in control you feel after the very first session.



Hypnotherapy consultation 90 minutes, fee $185.


HBF and Medibank Private provider


Appointments available 8:30am to 6:30pm 

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 


Hand showing healthy nails

I was a nail biter for most of my life, until I used Hypnotherapy to stop once and for all!

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HBF & Medibank Private provider
AHA Clinical member 
ABN 54394414048




(Onsite parking)

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