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Frequently Asked Questions

Will hypnosis make me lose control of my mind?

I suspect this concern has come over the years from the experiences people have had with stage hypnosis, which is very different to Clinical Hypnotherapy.

The whole point of hypnotherapy is for you to achieve greater personal control. Your morals and ethics remain intact, you won't do anything against your will. You can reject or accept suggestions - it's your decision.

Scientific experiments have proven that, if someone were to give you suggestions that you disagreed with, you would simply reject them and if this were not true, the world would be run by power crazed hypnotherapists.

During hypnotherapy you are in control all of the time. 



Is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes, in the hands of a fully qualified and professional therapist Hypnotherapy is widely regarded as one of the safest ways to make lasting positive changes to your health and wellbeing.

Be sure you carefully choose a professional therapist to perform hypnotherapy. Get a recommendation from someone you trust or the Australian Hypnotherapists Association. The AHA is the National Registration Body for hypnotherapists and has been the premier association in Australia for hypnotherapy and hypnotherapists since 1949. It is the oldest and largest hypnotherapy organisation in Australia. Registration with such a professional body reflects a hypnotherapist’s willingness to demonstrate to the public a strong desire to be accountable and up to date.


Can I be hypnotised?

Every person who wishes to be hypnotised can be hypnotised under the right conditions. The requirements necessary for hypnosis to occur are an ability to follow simple instructions and a willingness to be hypnotised. Even if you are someone who thinks you are "too analytical" or "too strong-minded" or even "too stressed out". What is required is your absolute commitment to making your change and the ability to follow your therapist's easy instructions.

Some people believe being hypnotised shows weakness and lack of control. Nothing could be further from the truth, because hypnosis is not a contest of willpower. A highly intelligent, strong-willed and imaginative person can make a great hypnotic subject. In fact, strong minded people often have some of the greatest success. 


Is hypnosis a magic wand cure for everything?

When people ask about hypnosis I tell them that it's not a magic wand, it won't cure everything, however, every situation can benefit from hypnotherapy. Think about it, what situation wouldn't be helped by having all your inner resources, your focus and your total commitment aimed towards achieving your own personal goal? 

Hypnotherapy is widely regarded as one of the safest ways to make lasting positive changes to your health and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy can help bridge the gap between your conscious and unconscious minds and bring them into agreement, alignment and being connected so that they are both working for the same goal.

Have you ever decided to do something then not followed through...hmmm...New Years Eve resolutions? When one part of you wants to do something but another part of you objects, at a subconscious or conscious level you are not fully in agreement or aligned with yourself. Hypnotherapy is a great way to get those parts of you working together.


So why does it seem that during a stage show people have lost control of their minds and act like chickens ?

Clinical Hypnotherapy, as the name implies is a therapy - to help with some difficulty. Stage hypnotism is for the purpose of entertaining, making us laugh. Remember, people who volunteer to go up on stage know they are going to be asked to do something silly and they WANT that, otherwise they wouldn't go up there! A shy introvert would never volunteer in the first place.

The truth is that for therapeutic hypnosis to work properly, it does require your complete cooperation. 

Stage hypnosis experiences are far removed from Clinical hypnosis which is a well recognised and serious therapy that can help resolve many difficulties, issues and addictions. 


Can I get stuck in a hypnotic trance?

To never emerge from a hypnotic state is as impossible as never emerging from a daydream.

Have you ever driven home and don't remember driving, like on auto pilot? That is trance state.

When you call the kids for dinner but they are so "zoned" out on television they can't hear you - that is trance state.

Hypnosis is a totally natural, mental and physiological phenomenon which happens spontaneously to almost everyone on a regular basis.


Are there any side effects from hypnotherapy?

On the whole clients leave a session of hypnotherapy feeling positive and very relaxed. It is possible that you may experience some bursts of energy or dreams in the days following a session and this is a good sign. If there is emotional release needed, the subconscious mind finds gentle ways to achieve this for you. Sometimes you may have a greater need for sleep, other times you may feel a little emotional, or perhaps feel thirsty and want to drink more water than usual. These only tend to last one or two days and are actually a positive sign that something is shifting. 


How long is a session of hypnotherapy and how many will I need?

Session times can vary but usually around 90 minutes. Longer for Stop Smoking

Every person is unique with a different goal. Some people only need 1 session to get their result - others may need 3-5 or more. 


Do I get a guarantee?
Beware of any hypnotherapist that offers you a guarantee. It is unethical and unprofessional to give a guarantee. Think about it, does your doctor give you a guarantee? Do psychiatrists, counsellors or psychologists give guarantees?


We all struggle with the difficulties of living in different ways. People all over the world use hypnotic suggestion to facilitate positive change, ease pain and even cure illness in some patients. The underlying idea behind this is that the mind and body are inextricably intertwined. When you suggest to the subconscious that the body does not feel pain, or that the body is free of addiction, the subconscious may actually bring about the change. 

There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to support this idea. People who use only hypnotic suggestion as an anesthetic for dental work, thousands of women have made it through childbirth with minimal pain and discomfort using hypnosis, countless cancer patients swear by hypnotherapy, claiming that it helps to manage the pain of chemotherapy and a multitude of ex-smokers worldwide.


What actually happens in a session?

An intake form is filled in before the session which gives the hypnotherapist the information needed to design a session specifically for you.

Clients spend most of their session sitting or reclining comfortably, feeling extremely relaxed, listening to the Hypnotherapist talk in a gentle soothing tone, giving suggestions, and perhaps using metaphors which help them achieve the therapeutic results they have agreed upon together beforehand.


Clinical hypnotherapy is a gentle experience where your body becomes very relaxed, yet your mind remains very focused. Usually you will hear everything that is said, but often as though you were at a distance, observing.

You don't need any special preparation to undergo hypnotherapy. But it's a good idea to wear comfortable clothing to help you relax. Also, make sure that you are well rested so that you are less inclined to fall asleep during the session. 


The good news is that hypnotherapy can help you to resolve things – even one session can make a massive difference. 



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